Smooth scrolling screen
A Huge World to explore
Tons of npcs to see and talk too!
Animated tiles, the charecter can walk, run , swim.
A huge level editor allows you to make your own levels and a lot more!
Night and day system and weather effects.
Shops and stores

Light Effects.
Abilty to change the world like make houses and stores, cut down trees, plant food, and mine for gold.
A random world generater to have a new game each time you play!
A powerful scripting engine to create your own custom events and modify the game how ever you want!
Tons of quests to do and even  a quest generator to make quests if you beat the main ones.
An in game computer system that plays an important role I won't say much just you will see.
A random quest generater so if you beat all the built in quests the fun still continues!